A Focus on Providing Value

At Bert Smith & Co., we ensure that our staff have all the required certifications and other qualifications. We also believe that positive, long-term relationships with clients require adherence to clear performance standards. As a matter of professional practice, we:

  • Analyze our clients' needs and professional service requirements to ensure that we meet or exceed the expectations for each engagement;
  • Develop client service objectives and prepare a client service plan, based on solid accounting principles and audit standards;
  • Execute the plan in a manner that ensures commitments are met, potential problems anticipated and surprises avoided;
  • Establish and maintain effective internal and external communications throughout the project;
  • Avoid any situation that could be interpreted as a conflict of interest;
  • Ensure that professional, technical or client service problems are resolved promptly;
  • Obtain from each client, either formally or informally, a regular assessment of our performance;
  • Receive fees that are considered fair and reasonable by our clients, and that reflect the value of services provided;
Availability on GSA Schedule: The Consolidated Schedule
For the benefit and convenience of clients in the Federal Government, the services of our firm are available through the GSA Schedule: The Consolidated Schedule - Federal Supply Schedule 00CORP.