WASHINGTON, D.C. – September 26, 2013 – Bert Smith & Company Certified Public Accountants and Management Consultants’ Managing Partner, George S. Willie will be honored by the Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA) as the recipient of the 2013 Diversity and Inclusion Award. The award ceremony will be held September 30, 2013 at MICPA’s annual Awards Dinner at Shenandoah Country Club in West Bloomfield. MICPA recognizes accounting professionals whose exceptional contributions impact both the industry and their community.
The Diversity and Inclusion award will be presented to Mr. Willie in honor of his outstanding efforts to educate and influence aspiring young minority high school students. Mr. Willie’s contributions include speaking for many years at the High School Leaders Conference as well as continuous efforts working with minority students to expand their knowledge of the Certified Public Accounting (CPA) profession. Mr. Willie has worked with high school students in Michigan, as well as throughout the country. Additionally, he has also tirelessly served on the MICPA Diversity and Inclusion Task Force.
Through both his words and actions, Mr. Willie is a noble leader in the Accounting profession. Jean Jernigan of MICPA speaks very fondly of Mr. Willie, “George is an amazing leader and true friend to us in Michigan. He is a true leader who leads from his heart, and builds confidence and courage in young people. The real story with George is what he does—not just what he says—at the conference.” Mr. Willie encourages young scholars to take advantage of any and all opportunities within their grasp. He not only speaks encouraging words, but Mr. Willie also presents cash scholarships to the students who demonstrate the ideals of Carpe Diem—”seize the day.” In one particularly heart-warming situation, Mr. Willie found out that a recipient of one of his scholarships was homeless. He generously increased her scholarship and added to it again the following year. Mr. Willie is a truly an inspiration to both those whose lives he touches, and those who witness his grace and generosity.